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FanDuel takes D.C. as lottery offers up on Gambet.

FanDuel’s will soon replace GambetDC in the District of Columbia as the only sportsbook platform available to bettors across the city, according to a letter from the Office of Lottery and Gaming to the D.C. City Council obtained by iGB The letter does not indicate when FanDuel might launch its platform citywide, however.  Dated 8

Intralot pens long-term lottery contract in Taiwan.

Intralot has entered into a long-term deal to provide lottery system technology for Taiwan’s Public Welfare Lottery. The deal was brokered between LotRich Information Co. a Taiwanese joint venture in which Intralot is a major shareholder, and CTBC Bank Co., which was awarded the licence from the Taiwanese government to operate the lottery. The agreement

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